LASIK Surgery FAQs

LASIK Surgery FAQs

LASIK Surgery FAQs

Are you considering LASIK surgery? If so, you may have several questions about the procedure. Although it is one of the most frequently done eye procedures, many people are unfamiliar with the specifics of LASIK surgery. Below is a list of frequently asked questions to help you learn more about the procedure.


What Is LASIK Eye Surgery?


LASIK, or laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis, is a type of laser eye surgery used to correct vision problems. These include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. 


How Does It Work?


During LASIK surgery, an eye surgeon uses a laser to reshape the cornea to improve vision. They use a computer to guide the laser and make precise changes to the cornea.


Who Is a Good LASIK Candidate?


LASIK is generally effective and safe for people over 18 years old with a stable prescription for at least one year and good overall health. Those with certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders or certain types of eye diseases, may not be good candidates for the procedure.


Can You Be Too Old to Have LASIK?


There is no specific age at which you are too old to have this surgery. But as you age, you may be more likely to develop certain medical conditions that can make it less suitable. Also, the stability of your prescription may change over time, affecting the long-term effectiveness of laser eye surgery.


How Safe Is It?


The safety of LASIK surgery is high, with most people experiencing significant improvements in their vision and few complications. But like any surgery, it carries some risks, including the potential for complications. These may include dry eye, infection, and visual side effects such as halos, glare, and double vision. In rare cases, it can cause more severe complications, including vision loss.


Does It Hurt?


This surgical procedure is generally not painful. Eye surgeons use a numbing eye drop to help minimize any discomfort. Most people experience mild discomfort and sensitivity to light immediately after the procedure, but these symptoms usually resolve within a few days.


How Long Does the Procedure Take?


Surgery typically takes about 20-30 minutes per eye. The laser application portion of the procedure usually takes only a few minutes, but the entire process may take longer due to preparation and post-procedure care.


What Is LASIK Comanagement?


LASIK comanagement refers to a collaboration between an eye care provider, such as Inclima Eye Care, and a LASIK surgeon. The eye care provider performs the initial evaluation and consultation, and the LASIK surgeon performs the actual surgery. The eye care provider may also provide follow-up care after the procedure. This approach allows patients to benefit from the expertise of both types of eye care professionals.

LASIK is an effective and safe way to correct vision issues and improve vision. While it carries some risks, most patients experience significant improvements in their vision and can resume regular activities within a few days of the procedure. If you are considering laser eye surgery, discussing your options with a qualified and experienced eye care provider and LASIK surgeon is best to determine if you are a good candidate.

For more on LASIK surgery, visit Inclima Eye Care at our West Haven, Connecticut office. Call (203) 694-0418 to schedule an appointment today.

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