What Is Dry Eye?

What Is Dry Eye?

What Is Dry Eye?

Allergies can contribute to dry eyes. However, the main difference between dry eye conditions and allergies is the itchiness of the eyes. Some people will also experience sore throat, sneezing, and a running nose. So, what is dry eye? An individual with dry eyes cannot produce enough tears. The tears may also not be healthy and can be of poor quality.


Why Are Tears Important?

Tears are important to the eyes as they allow clear vision and maintain the health of the cornea. They do this by washing away foreign matter, keeping the eye surface clear of dust, debris, and bacteria. The eyes then remain clear of infection and healthy.


Constituents of Tears

To keep your eyes clear, clean, and healthy, tears consist of three layers. These layers include the mucus layer, oil layer, and water layer. Each layer nourishes and protects the cornea.

The mucus layer spreads tears evenly over the cornea. The oil layer prevents evaporation of the water. The water layer hydrates the eye. Low-quality tears are deficient in one or more of these constituents.

If the water evaporates too rapidly, it could be due to a deficiency of oil. If the tears do not spread evenly, it could be due to having less mucus. The deficiency makes it difficult to keep the eye clear, clean, and healthy, allowing dry eye symptoms to develop.


Symptoms of Dry Eye

The most common symptoms are redness of the eyes, a burning sensation, and a sandy feeling in your eye. You may also experience watery discharge, blurry vision, and sensitivity to light. Your eyes tire faster, and the condition makes it difficult to wear contact lenses.



People with dry eyes may also experience some complications with the symptoms. They are prone to experiencing eye infections, inflammation, corneal ulcers, and other damages. When you damage the cornea, it can lead to vision impairment and even blindness. It makes it difficult to read, drive, and even use your computer.

You must treat dry eye before it advances. Failure to do so will damage the cornea and impair your vision.



The treatment should focus on the root cause of your dry eyes. If it is due to allergies, you need to deal with the cause of the allergy. If it is a condition, you need to get a treatment that helps improve the quality or quantity of your tears. In severe conditions, surgery may be an option. But before choosing surgery, ensure that you try all other treatments.

Treatment for dry eye syndrome includes using eye drops and artificial tears. You can also use specialty contact lenses that help trap a tear film on the surface of the eye. This tear film helps hydrate your eyes and alleviate the condition.

Other things you can try are blinking often and changing your diet. You can take flax oil and eat fish that is rich in omega-3. They will help your eyes stay moist.

For more on dry eye, visit Inclima Eye Care at our office in West Haven, Connecticut. You can call (203) 694-0418 today to schedule an appointment.

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