Spring Symptoms: 7 Ways to Soothe Eye Allergies

Spring Symptoms: 7 Ways to Soothe Eye Allergies

Spring Symptoms: 7 Ways to Soothe Eye Allergies

Spring is a beautiful season for most people, but it can be a nightmare season for those who suffer from allergies. For them, spring is about dealing with the common symptoms of seasonal allergies, including itchy, red, and swollen eyes. 

If you struggle to cope with eye allergies, there are things that you can do to reduce the symptoms.  

Keep Your Home Clean

Dust is a leading cause of eye allergies. You may not see dust in your home, but that does not mean it is not there. Regardless of how well you clean your home, there will always be some dust. Your bed can also harbor dust mites that can irritate the eyes. Use mite-proof bed covers or wash your bedding frequently. You can also use a dehumidifier to prevent the growth of mold. 

Turn on the Air Conditioner

A simple way to keep away allergies is by avoiding the allergens that cause the symptoms. If your allergies result from pollen, being outdoors can be a nightmare. Staying indoors with the windows closed and the air conditioner on will help keep away allergens. Change the HVAC filters frequently. If you must go outside, wear sunglasses and drive with the windows closed. 

Avoiding Pet Dander

If you have a pet in the home, pet dander can trigger eye allergies. Getting rid of your pet may not be an option, but there are things that you can do to avoid allergies. Ensure that you wash your hands frequently after touching your pet. Avoid rubbing your eyes when playing or spending time with your furry friend.

Keep Your Eyes Moisturized

A common symptom of eye allergies is eye dryness. The eyes also become itchy, red, and even watery. You can combat this issue by keeping the eyes moisturized or well-lubricated. Using OTC or prescription eye drops can offer relief. Consult your eye doctor about the best eye drops brands for your condition. 

Switch to Eyeglasses

If you wear contact lenses, it may be a good idea to switch to glasses during this spring season. Wearing contact lenses can make your eye allergy symptoms worse. The lenses can attract airborne allergens that build up and irritate the eyes. You can remove and clean the contacts frequently or try using disposable lenses. 

Consider Immunotherapy

If allergies are something you struggle with, talk to your eye doctor about immunotherapy. The treatment involves getting allergy injections that help build up immunity. The injections contain a small amount of the allergens that cause negative reactions. With time, the body develops immunity, gradually reducing allergic reactions. 

Use Prescription Medication

Several prescription medications can help reduce eye allergies. It is a good idea to visit an eye doctor to get help dealing with allergies. The doctor will examine your eyes before prescribing the best medication for you. The medications include antihistamines, decongestants, and steroids or corticosteroid eye drops. 

Before using any allergy home remedies, make sure to talk to your eye doctor about their effectiveness. 

For more ways to soothe eye allergies, visit Inclima Eye Care at our office in West Haven, Connecticut. You can call (203) 694-0418 today to schedule an appointment.

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