How Do You Treat Digital Eyestrain?

How Do You Treat Digital Eyestrain?

How Do You Treat Digital Eyestrain?

Nowadays, it seems everyone is staring at a digital screen for several hours every day. Did you know that doing so can cause a common problem known as digital eyestrain? Do you use a digital device to work, relax, learn, or keep up with daily life? 


If so, you probably experience several eye and vision problems. Some of these include blurry vision, dry eyes, or even eye pain by the end of the day. Also, your shoulders, neck, and head may ache after prolonged use of a digital device. 




After focusing intensely on activities such as driving a car, reading a book, or staring at a digital screen, your eyes may feel irritated or tired. That is what eye specialists refer to as digital eyestrain. It is becoming more frequent in the digital age. Another name for this condition is computer vision syndrome. 


How to Treat Computer Vision Syndrome


Generally, it is possible to treat this condition using non-invasive, simple ways. However, prolonged eye irritation or eyestrain may indicate a more severe eye/vision condition that you should discuss with your eye doctor. 


Common Causes of Digital Eyestrain


Some of the common causes of eyestrain include headaches, blurry vision, dry eyes, irritated eyes, and eye pain. One of the primary causes of this condition is the prolonged daily use of digital devices. According to the Vision Council, about 87 percent of people in America use one or more digital devices for more than one hour a day. 


That figure is not limited to adults. The same study shows that up to 76 percent of kids in the U.S. stare at digital devices for more than two hours a day. This makes it imperative to find out how to treat digital eyestrain resulting from prolonged exposure to digital screens. Some of the ways to do so include:


Undergo Comprehensive Eye Exams


One of the most effective ways to prevent or treat digital eyestrain is by getting regular comprehensive eye exams. During your eye examination, your eye doctor will use several devices and techniques to determine the severity of any eye or vision problem you might have. That includes digital eyestrain.


Home and Lifestyle Remedies


Do you often use digital devices daily? If so, you need to learn about some of the home and lifestyle changes you can make to prevent or treat digital eyestrain. Some of the tips you should consider include:


  • Adjust the lighting when using a digital screen or reading printed material. Position the light source behind your digital screen or reading desk or position a shaded light in front of your desk. 
  • When using a digital screen, take occasional breaks to rest your eyes. Look away from your screen for a few minutes every hour. 
  • Limit your screen time or viewing time to rest your eyes. That is especially important for kids.
  • Use artificial tears to relieve or prevent dry eyes.
  • Improve the air quality in your working space.


Other Tips to Prevent or Treat Digital Eyestrain


If you often stare at a digital screen or work at a desk, the following self-care tips should help you treat or prevent digital eyestrain:


  • Reduce glare
  • Blink frequently to moisten and refresh your eyes
  • Take breaks
  • Position your monitor about an arm’s length in front of you
  • Adjust your screen’s brightness and contrast settings to levels that are comfortable for you




Some symptoms of eyestrain are treatable using various medications, including natural products. You’ll learn more about these if you visit your eye doctor as soon as possible.


For more on treating digital eyestrain and relieving symptoms, call Inclima Eye Care at (203) 694-0418 to reach our office in West Haven, Connecticut.

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